I’m fairly certain that you don’t yourself believe

I’m fairly certain that you don’t yourself believe we were created by a flying Spaghetti Monster (considering both spaghetti and the idea of monsters are both products of man’s creativity and imagination), but were simply trying to make a point on how Intelligent design shouldn’t be taught in school.
That is why I am a little confused as to why you said, “I think we can all agree that it is important for students to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them.” Unless you actually believe in the Spaghetti Monster (in which case I would have to consider you slightly loony until I’ve seen half-substantial evidence), this sentece goes completely against the point of your letter.
There are other logical flaws in the letter and your claims but I have a feeling there is only so much ground logic holds for you. I can simply pray. As a Christian, I am appauled that you would blaspheme the name of THE POWERFUL GOD by comparing Him to a Spaghetti Monster. I know, however, that His Blood can wash away all sins and that nobody can escape the Love of My Lord Jesus Christ. My Heart Weeps for you…But my Lord spills not only His tears, but His blood for you….
With Love In Christ Alone,